I'm now pleased to offer an attunement called Colors of Angels. This attunement helps to put you in energetic contact with the frequencies of Archangels and the colors associated with each. (I copied the following from my previous post.)This is from the manual:Archangel Michael Who serves in the first ray which is the Blue Ray and the Ray of Protection and PowerArchangel Jophiel which serves on the Second or Yellow Ray which is the Ray of Illumination and WisdomArchangel Chamuel who serves on the Third or Pink Ray which is the Ray of LoveArchangel Gabriel who serves on the Fourth or White Ray which is the Ray of Harmony and PurityArchangel Raphael who serves on the Fifth or Green Ray which is the Ray of Healing and TruthArchangel Uriel who serves on the Sixth or Gold Ray which is the Ray of PeaceArchangel Zadkiel who serves on the Seventh or Violet Ray which is the Way of Freedom.The person with this attunement can call on different archangels for different needs such as confidence, strength, healing, clarity, peace and truth.I was blessed to attune Connie Dohan, my Chios Healing teacher and inspiring friend, to this healing modality. Connie gave me permission to share this feedback from her attunement:WOW-a full report is impossible ..what
follows is poor rendering
1. would really recommend the receiver be
sitting & not have any urgent tasks scheduled for just after the
2. just before 10 felt you were not really nervous but perhaps doing a mental dry run to make sure you had it all together.
3. started by being wafted to a very gentle plane - the world I used to live in was blurry & in slo mo. hubby looked at me & asked if I was ok
4. for what seemed like an hour but was only a minute or so in real time, Iwas surrounded by swirls of rainbow colors as I continued to ascend from the earthly plane.
5. then I was infused with a series of rays of color.
6. as each color reached my heart chakra, a door opened & I could see a face & instantly knew the attributes associated with that face
7. then I was surrounded by rainbow swirls again & descended back to the earth plane ...still a little ungrounded here
For those interested in the attunement, which I feel has begun to increase my own connection with these higher beings, the fee is $25, payable through paypal. I added a button in the sidebar to the right.In any case, the attunement will include: - attunement (single which takes you to Master level and you can pass the attunement on afterward to others)
- manual
- certificate
- complete email support
To order, please use the button on the right sidebar for convenience. Then I will email you with the manual and we'll schedule the attunement when you are ready.
I think this attunement is good for opening your connection to higher spirit frequencies and growing your awareness and communication ability. Feel free to email me with any questions.
Blessings and light,