Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Thanksgiving Offerings

Hello friends,

I've been thinking of the giving time of year, and wish to give something back as a thank-you to those who refer people to me.

So from Thanksgiving through Dec. 20 (the 1st anniversary of my ReikiAwakening blog!), I am offering your choice of a free Colors of Angels, or Tachyon/ Tachyon Source (if you have Tachyon already) attunement if you refer someone else to me who orders an attunement or asks for a free channeling (see - they don't have to even pay for something!) All they need to do is to mention that you sent them (they can do this in their paypal form or by email). Then I'll email you that you've been mentioned as a referral and I'll ask you which attunement you would like. If you prefer, you may also choose Kundalini Reiki at 1/2 price - the full set of 3 attunements for $30!

I'm also on Twitter now http://twitter.com/ReikiAwakening if you'd like to follow me. Thanks to my friend Tamu Ngina who pointed me in that direction.

Wishing you all a season of gratitude and abundance.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Under Construction

The last couple of days I've been feeling rather out of touch. My senses seem dulled, and my sensations while channeling Reiki have not been as strong as usual. The Reiki's been working, but the way I've been sensing the "tingles and heat" is subdued.

I have learned that we go through these periods of
"spiritual upgrade" during which our senses shut down for a period, leaving us feeling sort of dense like I do right now. So I'm just taking a break of sorts, and not doing any big attunements, meditation, or channeling until the fog clears. It's like I'm "under construction."

It was a year ago when I had my Reiki 2 attunement that changed my life completely. Amazing how much has happened in a year.

I may be going on a
spiritual retreat Dec. 20-21 with Sarah Weiss. I've emailed her to ask if this is the kind of retreat that will help me learn more about intuitive healing the way she does it, or if it's not designed for that. If it isn't, I may not go, because I don't want to be frustrated wishing I could be learning what I'm interested in. I'll keep you posted. Dec. 20 is also my birthday (and the day I began this blog a year ago!) so it's a pretty significant weekend.

Wishing everyone a
Happy Thanksgiving and lots of good food, good family time, and a nice break.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Moving Energy Around

I had the pleasure and honor to meet Warren Grossman on Thursday evening at the class I've been teaching at Akiva High School. He had a roomful of teens riveted as he told his story of going from a basically everyday educated person to having a near-death experience with a parasite, and a slow recovery aided by the Earth. He was never the same once he had the chance to observe the Earth's effect on his body, healing, heart, and perception of living energy. It was truly inspirational. Second half of class he was just with me and my two students who were present (two were not present and sure missed a lot). He demonstrated energy healing on each student in turn, and they were very moved by the experience. He talked about how he can see their chakras, and the size, shape, color and position of each told him things about where each person needed healing. Amazing.

At the end of class, he took a look at my energy and invited me to come to his home for a healing because he thought I could use it in several places. Not surprising - I know I tend to burn the candle at both ends on a regular basis. I wanted to experience for myself the effects of his healing method so I went on Friday. According to him, I was pretty out of whack energy wise. So he did meditational stuff, had me "feel" where my feet are connected to the ground, and he stood across from me, and kind of pointed at each chakra and did adjustments on them from where he stood. I felt...vibrational energy. He also had me walk around his apartment a few times concentrating on my feet. The feet take in energy from the Earth, so being aware of them is the first step (ha - pun!) to becoming aware of this energy. He did the adjustment two more times, had me walk two more times, and sent me on my way. Although he usually charges for a session, he did not ask me for money. I brought him a Tachyon charged gemstone as a gift of appreciation. The next day I felt pretty sluggish energy wise. His advice to me was to get regular exercise and each day 2-3 times a day to stand back against a tree. I admit I haven't been able to do those things quite yet due to blechy cold weather. But I'll get to it...

In Tachyon news... Ole Gabrielson has developed a new Tachyon energy attunement called Tachyon Source attunement. This allows one to charge an object as a source of Tachyon energy - permanently - such that the object will charge other objects it touches and the surrounding air with Tachyon energy (which converts to Life Force Energy - Ki). I have received this attunement and have already passed it on to one person. I've been experimenting with charging water, stones, crystals, rocks, the shower head, and disks with this energy. The vibration seems more subtle than Reiki feels to me, yet I do feel it has given me an energy boost during the day, and also during distance energy channeling. If you are interested in the Tachyon Source attunement, please send me an email. The prerequisite for this attunement is Tachyon energy attunement. The fee will be $25 ($18 if I have attuned you to Kundalini Reiki or Tachyon energy). I will email the manual and offer an emailed certificate as well (if desired). I'm a member of Ole's forum, and people on there do interesting experiments with Tachyon energy. If you'd like an invitation to the forum (it's invitation only), please email me and I'll invite you.

Finally, thanks to my friend Cher for being my mentor in intuitive development. She has guided me in practicing channeling lately. I posted on a Facebook group an offer to channel information if someone has a question, as long as it's understood that this is for my practice and I make no promises about accuracy. All I ask in return is that I receive feedback afterward. The question should be something the person wants to know - not "What color are my eyes?" but something about your options or future, or something you are wondering about. A little background is appreciated as well. I've done this three times now for various people, and it seems as if it is going well. The feedback has been positive and rather validating for me. So consider yourselves, my dear blog readers, also invited to try this with me and present me the opportunity for further practice. Just drop me an email and I'll get back to you with what I hear from your spiritual guides when I tune in. It's a learning experience for both of us - win-win!

Always a journey and an adventure!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Channeling Healing and Receiving Guidance - Different Frequencies

I've been made aware recently that channeling energy healing is about being a channel for the energy to flow through us to the recipient of the healing energy. This is about being open, like a straw, so the energy can get through. Higher beings perform the healing.

Attempting to channel information from one's spirit
requires one to raise one's energetic vibration (through meditation) towards the higher frequency of higher beings (who lower theirs in order to communicate with us) and receive the messages that our guides transmit to us.

Sometimes what happens with me is overlap. I mean that when I'm channeling healing, or getting ready to channel an attunement, I meditate quietly to feel the energy and get in touch with the mindset for setting my intention. The act of meditating in this way, and the meditative state I get into when channeling energy gets me in touch with my higher self and I receive messages, or ask questions and intuit an answer. Also, many Reiki practitioners receive messages from the recipient's guides during a healing sesion.

But I've been told that channeling healing and messages are not necessarily meant to be done together. In other words, if the intent is to communicate with guides, one should be meditating and not involved in healing. If the intent is to channel healing, one should be simply open to being the channel, and any messages that are received are part of that. It's subtle, a little confusing, and an interesting point.

Where did I get these ideas? I exchanged a reading for channeling a Tachyon attunement with spiritualist medium Merita King and this is what her reading told me, as channeled through a guide of mine. I thought it was interesting enough to share, and for those interested, Merita offers free readings for an exchange of the recipient's choice (i.e. donation or as the recipient feels moved to reciprocate). She's got insight and integrity.


Monday, November 3, 2008

Colors of Angels Attunements

I'm now pleased to offer an attunement called Colors of Angels. This attunement helps to put you in energetic contact with the frequencies of Archangels and the colors associated with each. (I copied the following from my previous post.)

This is from the manual:

Archangel Michael Who serves in the first ray which is the Blue Ray and the Ray of Protection and Power

Archangel Jophiel which serves on the Second or Yellow Ray which is the Ray of Illumination and Wisdom

Archangel Chamuel who serves on the Third or Pink Ray which is the Ray of Love

Archangel Gabriel who serves on the Fourth or White Ray which is the Ray of Harmony and Purity

Archangel Raphael who serves on the Fifth or Green Ray which is the Ray of Healing and Truth

Archangel Uriel who serves on the Sixth or Gold Ray which is the Ray of Peace

Archangel Zadkiel who serves on the Seventh or Violet Ray which is the Way of Freedom.

The person with this attunement can call on different archangels for different needs such as confidence, strength, healing, clarity, peace and truth.

I was blessed to attune Connie Dohan, my Chios Healing teacher and inspiring friend, to this healing modality. Connie gave me permission to share this feedback from her attunement:

WOW-a full report is impossible ..what
follows is poor rendering

1. would really recommend the receiver be
sitting & not have any urgent tasks scheduled for just after the

2. just before 10 felt you were not really nervous but perhaps doing a mental dry run to make sure you had it all together.
3. started by being wafted to a very gentle plane - the world I used to live in was blurry & in slo mo. hubby looked at me & asked if I was ok
4. for what seemed like an hour but was only a minute or so in real time, Iwas surrounded by swirls of rainbow colors as I continued to ascend from the earthly plane.
5. then I was infused with a series of rays of color.
6. as each color reached my heart chakra, a door opened & I could see a face & instantly knew the attributes associated with that face
7. then I was surrounded by rainbow swirls again & descended back to the earth plane ...still a little ungrounded here

For those interested in the attunement, which I feel has begun to increase my own connection with these higher beings, the fee is $25, payable through paypal. I added a button in the sidebar to the right.

In any case, the attunement will include:

  • attunement (single which takes you to Master level and you can pass the attunement on afterward to others)
  • manual
  • certificate
  • complete email support

To order, please use the button on the right sidebar for convenience. Then I will email you with the manual and we'll schedule the attunement when you are ready.

I think this attunement is good for opening your connection to higher spirit frequencies and growing your awareness and communication ability. Feel free to email me with any questions.

Blessings and light,

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Coming Around

I have some nice news... My mother-in-law, (who I've mentioned here before) has not had conclusive results the few times I've given her Reiki, (and thus has said repeatedly that Reiki "doesn't work" for her, she doesn't feel it, etc.). Well last night she was mentioning some muscular type pain in her legs and I offered her Reiki, said "couldn't hurt" and she agreed. After a few minutes, I commented that my hands were tingling quite a lot, and she surprisedly exclaimed that her feet were too. Then, she said, "And you know what? The pain is completely gone!" She was quite surprised, and I was sooooo glad!! I guess patience and gentle persistence can pay off.

Also, when channeling Reiki lately, I've been more consciously asking that the angels and guides of the recipient be present and assist in the healing for this person. Whenever I've done so, I've felt much stronger energy sensations in my hands, and at times, saw golden lights/ shapes moving behind my closed eyelids. I would like to "see" more but perhaps this is a step in that direction. My hands are most sensitive to Reiki energy, but I want to be able to see more as well so I can learn to interpret the information coming through my hands.

I am planning to learn from Sarah Weiss (www.spirithealonline.com) at the nearest opportunity, which may be January. Her meditations on her website I know I mentioned before, but I really like them. I felt so her energetic work so strongly during our sessions that I am very drawn to learning her methods and becoming attuned to the energy as she is.

Meanwhile, I will continue to strengthen my receptors in working with the higher guidance as much as I can. Tomorrow night I'll do my first Colors of Angels attunement. I have one more person wanting that attunement, which I'm doing for her next week. Afterward, once I have feedback that all is well, I will post and offer the attunement here. So stay tuned, friends!
