Monday, January 25, 2016

Walking Thank Yous

I've been thinking lots about the meaning of life. I guess it's my ongoing thing to do this. I've always been a seeker of spiritual connection. 

The new insight I've got is what I put in the graphic to the left. And here's the question - how to "live love"? I think I know. Sure, it's being kind, doing nice things, that's certainly the surface. But underneath is this deep sense of gratitude for life. This lifetime, especially. The relief I feel about having a warm house, healthy children, a car, food, books to read, time to grow... and bathrooms - I'm really grateful for those too. Really and truly.

So back to what I was saying...

This gratitude. It motivates me to do those nice things. I volunteer. I try to be encouraging, and also empower people, and inspire by sharing this feeling. Whatever I do is an expression of gratitude - it's walking my thank you. Thanking by DOING rather than saying (although I do my share of saying thank you as well, and teach my kids to say thank you because - manners, after all!).

Walking my gratitude means that everything that I can do that's an act of kindness, big or small, or even something regular like making dinner, has become an expression of spirituality. 

When people thank me for doing these things, it sorta feels weird to me, because I'm doing these things because I'm grateful. But, I also know that people need to express gratitude. I don't need the thanks (except for my kids - yeah I like it when they say thank you, although sometimes I laugh when they thank me for something like taking care of them when they're sick - of course I do that!)

I'm pretty sure this idea will feature prominently in my next book.

What do you think of this idea? Does it resonate with you? Please reply and let me know. 

Peace and love.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

I don't need scientific proof

I've gotten to a point where I don't care about scientific proof that Reiki, or life force energy, or chakras, or angels, or guides, or ancestors, spirits, or any energetic forces exist. I just don't care what scientists have to say about their validity or not.

I see posts on Facebook saying that Science has Proven that the Aura is Real! Give me a break. I can feel the aura pulsing when I give Reiki. I can tell where it starts and I can find the areas where it is damaged. I can feel energy changing frequency when it's healing itself. 

I don't need science to validate my work, my beliefs (which come from experience), or the results that Reiki can offer.

I also don't need science to proclaim that human thought creates changes. I already know. I have manifested more results in my life through the power of intention and expectation than I can list. 

I have arrived at a place in my own life where I trust my experiences, listen to my intuition, and guide my life based on those signals. And, it's working.

If you're waiting for science, I would advise you to stop wasting your time. Live. Listen to your innermost knowing. Give it a chance to tell you what's real, to show you your Truth. And then see what happens when you do.
