Sunday, July 20, 2008

Energy Development in Waves

I'm learning that energy intuition develops in a wave-like pattern. What I mean is that development increases - stronger energetic sensations when channeling Reiki, easier auric sight response, and feeling "connected" - seem to be followed by a pause of sorts, like when the wave subsides after the crest. There is a period of feeling not as connected as last week, sort of a quiet period, that follows, and then it will start again after this sort of resting.

I seem to be in the resting part now. Not being the patient type I'm having a hard time waiting for the next "intuitive wave of development" to happen. But what's my choice? I just keep on working with the energy and it'll get here. I'll be ready and waiting.

Since my last post (sorry for the lul), work has been very busy!! That's a happy problem, but it's kept me from devoting the time I'd like to keeping my blog updated. Sorry. I'll try to do better.

I'm also happy that I've met some wonderful people through this blog and I'd like to shout out an appreciative thanks to all of them. This includes my 11 attunees to Kundalini Reiki, and the way they've helped to increase my confidence level and understanding of Kundalini Reiki attunements and practice. I found that I have the ability to guide people through the process, and their growth and powerful experiences with the Kundalini Reiki energy have been both validating and a source of joy for me.

I was impressed with reading a book by Steven Murray called Reiki False Beliefs Exposed for All which I agreed with on every page. It is definately a must-read for Reiki practitioners of all modalities.

My dad is having surgery on Wednesday and I've been attuning my mom to KR in preparation for helping to care for him during his recovery. I hope his recovery is helped by some Reiki energy, and I feel confident that it will be. He isn't the type to take waiting to recover very patiently. (Hmm - doesn't that sound familiar?)

I'll write about the end of my energy resting period soon...I hope!

Meanwhile, I have two students beginning my Distance Reiki Tutorial on Thursday and I welcome more who are interested at any time! I think this is going to be a wonderful program and I am excited about its beginnings.

I'm also accepting orders for Kundalini Reiki attunements. I will be posting testimonials soon and really getting my Reiki website underway officially soon. For now, I'm doing it all here!

Questions and comments are always welcome.

Friday, July 4, 2008

The Newest Version of Kundalini Reiki!!

Dear friends,

I have been in touch with
Ole Gabrielson, the founder of Kundalini Reiki himself. (Yes, I do feel honored to have been emailing with him - he's amazing.) He has a new 2008 version of Kundalini Reiki that reduces the number of attunements from 9 to only 3, and also the energy is said to be of a stronger and finer frequency than before. I asked him what I would need to do to "upgrade" to the newest version. He said the third attunement would be all I would need. So I paid for it, and was attuned by Ole to the new version (It was a powerful attunement!!).

Here's what this means for my Kundalini Reiki attunements:

  1. I am now attuned to the newest version of Kundalini Reiki by Ole Gabrielson himself. Couldn't be better! I have direct lineage to the master of the system.

  2. I can give attunements to this newest, strongest Kundalini Reiki in 3 attunements rather than 9.

  3. I am going to charge for Kundalini Reiki attunements.

I have thought a lot about this, and I wish to thank those 10 people who I have now attuned to the 9-attunement version without charge. I gained experience and confidence in this system and my ability to send strong and effective attunements. I have given full email support, and will always do so for those I attune, as I believe that this is of utmost ethical importance, and I also care deeply about those whom I attune and wish to be a guide and support to them in receiving and using the Kundalini Reiki energy. (*For those of you who are still in the 9-attunement process, I will continue to send your attunements as scheduled.)

I believe that Kundalini Reiki is a strong and excellent Reiki, and that I am blessed to be able to share it with others, through giving treatments and attunements.

If you would like me to attune you to Kundalini Reiki, here's what you will receive:

  • Manuals explaining each level and how to call in and channel the energy, including how to send distance treatments and attune others.

  • Complete personal email support and guidance - I'm here to answer questions and I'll be happy to give you feedback if you'd like to practice distance sendings or attunements.

  • A certificate with your name and the date of your Master Level Attunement in pdf format

The exchange for all of the above - all 3 attunements are included - is $60 US. (That's less than what I paid for the level 3 attunement from Ole).

I've put the payment button for Kundalini Reiki Attunements in the sidebar to the right, for convenient one-click ordering, and when I receive payment I will email you right away and send the manuals and set up times with you to receive your attunements. I can't emphasize enough how much I am impressed with Kundalini Reiki and would love the opportunity to share it with you.

As always, comments and
emails are welcome.

